Substantial Shareholder Notices

Date Title of Announcement
04/11/2019 Change in Substantial Holding from Thunderdome Pty Ltd
28/02/2018 Notice of Initial Substantial Holder - Geoff Wilson
29/09/2015 Change of Substantial Shareholder Notice - A Chaudhri & Ors
28/09/2015 Change in Substantial Holding from QUE
04/09/2015 Change of Substantial Holder Notice in SRK
02/09/2015 Notice of Ceasing to be a Substantial Holder in MPO
02/09/2015 Change of Substantial Holding Notice in SRK
31/08/2015 Change of Substantial Holding Notice in SRK
28/08/2015 Change of Substantial Holding Notice in SRK
24/08/2015 Change in Substantial Holding in SRK
18/08/2015 Change in Substantial Holding in SRK
10/08/2015 Change in Substantial Holding in SRK
17/10/2014 Change of Substantial Holder Notice from OEQ
06/03/2014 Change in Interests of Substantial Shareholder Notice - A Chaudhri & Ors
06/03/2014 Change in Substantial Holding - F Khan & Island Australia
17/02/2014 Form 604 MPO Change in Substantial Holding from OEQ
23/01/2014 Notice of initial substantial holder - F Khan and Island Australia Pty Ltd
07/01/2014 Change of Substantial Shareholding Notice - Azhar Chaudhri
06/01/2014 Change in Substantial Holding from QUE
20/12/2013 Notice of Initial Substantial Holder from OEQ and QUE
05/11/2013 Change of Substantial Shareholding Notice - Azhar Chaudhri and Others
01/11/2013 Initial Substantial Shareholder Notice - Marathon Resources Limited (MTN)
28/10/2013 Change in Interests of Substantial Shareholder Notice - Queste Communications Ltd
09/04/2013 Change of Interests of Substantial Shareholder Notice - Azhar Chaudhri & Ors
09/04/2013 Change of Interests of Substantial Shareholder Notice - Queste Communications Ltd
16/03/2011 Initial Substantial Shareholder Notice - Replacement
16/03/2011 OEQ, QUE - Initial Substantial Shareholder Notice in MEO
13/12/2010 Notice of change in interests of substantial holder - OEQ & QUE
13/12/2010 Notice of change in interests of substantial holder F Khan
26/10/2010 Notice of change in interests of substantial holder - Farooq Khan
26/10/2010 Notice of change in interests of substantial holder - QUE
18/03/2009 Becoming a Substantial Holder - Cellante Securities Pty Ltd
16/03/2009 Notice of ceasing to be a substantial holder in SCB
25/08/2008 Ceasing to be a substantial holder - UBS Nominees Pty Ltd
22/08/2008 Ceasing to be a substantial holder - Select Asset Management Limited
13/08/2008 Initial Substantial Shareholder Notice in SRK
11/03/2008 Ceasing to be a substantial holder: Officium Investments Pty Ltd
21/08/2007 Becoming a substantial holder - Officium Capital
30/10/2006 Notice of change in interest of substantial holder: DLS
25/10/2006 Initial Directors Interest - F Khan
14/09/2006 Notice of change in interests of substantial holder: DLS
22/08/2006 Notice of ceasing to be a substantial shareholder: OEX
06/07/2006 Becoming a substantial shareholder - F Khan_OEQ_QUE & Others
05/06/2006 Becoming a substantial shareholder - Select Asset Management Limited
31/05/2006 Becoming a substantial shareholder - UBS Nominees
30/05/2006 Becoming a substantial shareholder - Select Asset Management Limited
23/05/2006 Change of Substantial Shareholding Notice in BEL OEQ-QUE-F.Khan & Ors
09/05/2006 Change of Substantial Shareholding Notice OEQ-QUE-F.Khan & Ors
05/07/2005 Change of Substantial Shareholder Notice - CXL
30/06/2005 Change of Nature of Substantial Shareholder
23/06/2005 Change of Substantial Shareholder Notice - CXL
04/05/2005 Notice of ceasing to be a substantial holder: IWL
04/05/2005 Notice of ceasing to be a substantial holder: NWK
04/05/2005 Change of Substantial Shareholder - CXL
02/05/2005 Change of Substantial Shareholder - Central Exchange Limited (CXL)
08/04/2005 Initial Substantial Holder Notice in TIF for CXL
07/04/2005 Change in Substantial Shareholding Notice in OEX for CXL, QUE, F.Khan and Others
01/04/2005 Initial Substantial Holder Notice in OEX for CXL, QUE, F.Khan and Others
16/12/2004 Notice of ceasing to be a substantial holder: SOF/AEA/FSL
07/12/2004 Notice of change in interests of substantial shareholder: IWL
24/11/2004 Notice of initial substantial holder: IWL
22/10/2004 Change in substantial holding in RFS
19/10/2004 Notice of change in interests of substantial shareholder: DLS
19/10/2004 Change in substantial holding in RFS
11/10/2004 Change in substantial holding for RFS
11/10/2004 Notice of initial substantial holder: DLS
28/09/2004 Notice of change in interests of substantial shareholder: QUE
28/09/2004 Change in substantial holding in RFS
17/09/2004 Change in substantial holding in RFS
14/09/2004 Notice of change in interests of substantial shareholder: CXL
14/09/2004 Notice of change in interests of substantial shareholder: QUE/FKhan
09/09/2004 Notice of initial substantial holder: Consortium
08/09/2004 Initial Substantial Shareholder Notice in RFS
08/09/2004 Notice of initial substantial holder: CXL
03/09/2004 Notice of initial substantial holder: NWK - Appendix A
16/07/2004 Notice of change in interests of substantial shareholder: SOF/FSL/AEA
06/07/2004 Notice of initial substantial holder: NWK
30/06/2004 Notice of initial substantial holder: SOF/FSL/AEA
21/06/2004 Notice of ceasing to be a substantial holder: Rene Rivkin
21/06/2004 Notice of initial substantial holder: Alan Davis Group
12/03/2004 Notice of change in interests of substantial shareholder: Rene Rivkin